The Lemonade Award recognizes sites that show great attitude and/or gratitude. Ian, I am touched by your thoughtfulness. Thank you.
It is now my turn to honor ten other sites. Before I announce the winners, here are the rules for the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Nominate your favorites, and link to this post.
I am thrilled to nominate the blogs I find deserving of the Lemonade Award. However, this is a random choice because there are many others. Here they are...in no particular order:
- Lessons Learned
- MartyBLOGs
- WordJourney
- Baba Notes
- Cuckoo's Call
- Words of a Broken Mirror
- Lillie Ammann
- Waking Ambrose
- Outlines
Congrats to all!
Tags: Blogging, Lemonade Award, Writing, Media by Sistrunk
Wow, thanks Deb. I'll start working on my blog crush list next.
Shucks, Deb, you say such nice things about me. It was an honor to give you that award.
Martin: Enjoy your award. Congrats!
Ian: You're a sweetheart. :-)
Grate choice. I know them all (thanks to you), Congrats to them.
BTW, wish I was there.
Yea! Baba gets His first award from Deb. Thanks Deb. This is truly an honor because I have been trying to get the message out as much as possible and this definitely helps. God bless and peace to you.
Shi: I was thrilled to do this. BTW, come on over. ;-)
Stephen: Woo hoo for Baba! I hope He doesn't mind my saying that. ;-)
Seriously, you have created an awesome site, and I invite everyone to visit.
Thanks, Deb. I appreciate this honor and will respond soon.
Ahhh thank you!You're so kind!I have not forgotten you. As soon as I can breathe I will contact you.
Thank you so much for the award, Deb! So sorry I didn't get here faster, but as you can tell, I haven't spent a lot of time on my blog either :)
Thanks again, I am deeply honored!
Thank you, Deb. It was very kind of you to remember the site.
Lillie, Rose, Alina, and Doug: I take great pleasure in spotlighting your sites. All of you are creative souls.
Wow! Am I overwhelmed! Gratitude!
I'm overwhelmed! Gratitude! rama
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