Professional Experience
Deb serves as the online publisher and communications consultant for "Media by Sistrunk." Past experience includes management positions in education and the nonprofit sector, as well as radio and television news. Expertise in:
- media relations- marketing
- publications
- public relations planning
- editing and writing
- international affairs
- crisis communications
- blogging and other online services
- research
- ghostwriting
- public engagement
- facilitating
- supporting development efforts
- public speaking
Additional experience: Devised and implemented a communications and marketing plan that accomplished its goal - effectively supporting a successful $16 million capital campaign.
Headed communications departments in higher education and for nonprofit institutions.
Performed advocacy work for a Missouri think tank - working on public policy and education issues. Experienced in professional development.
Related Background
Assignment editor, field producer, segment producer, and news writer for NBC affiliate. Producer, news anchor, and staff announcer for National Public Radio station. Additional experience at PBS affiliate. Freelance writer and editor for print and online publications. Public relations and marketing consultant.
Undergraduate degree in urban studies. Extensive coursework in public policy and education.
Graduate certificate in management studies.
Graduate certificate in diversity management/education.
Corporation for Public Broadcasting. One of 20 people nationally to be awarded two-year study grant.