Sunday, October 05, 2008

Gwen Ifill: VP candidates had agendas

The challenges of being the moderator

If Thursday night’s vice presidential debate didn’t seem like much of an actual debate, the moderator suggested there was a reason.

Gwen Ifill said both Joe Biden and Sarah Palin came in with their own agendas. She said Biden seemed to have decided “that he was going to debate John McCain,” while Palin decided “to give a stump speech to the American people.”

Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press” yesterday, the PBS journalist said there was little she could do as moderator beyond saying “no, no, no, I asked a question” and pleading for an answer. Ifill said that, according to the agreed-upon rules, her job was to move the debate along.

Ifill also spoke about the criticism she received prior to the debate because she is writing a book about the change in American politics. She said it was educational to learn how just how hard the campaigners worked to change the subject.

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Stephen A. Bess said...

I thought Gwen Ifill did a great job. I heard her the next morning on the Tom Joyner morning show. She talked about the challenges a little and the candidates with their own agenda. Palin really gave more material to SNL. Her accent and mannerisms were interesting. They were like arrows heading straight to the heartlands of America...strictly the heartlands.

Deb Sistrunk Nelson said...

Stephen: I agree with you about Ifill AND Palin. This presidential election is important, but sometimes I think we can use a little humor, especially during these intense times. Your last two sentences would make an excellent sound bite.

I usually listen to at least a portion of the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Unfortunately, I missed Ifill last Friday. Darn!

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